Archive for March, 2014

Clean your home with natural products

Have you ever tried to clean your home with natural products?

Cleaning using natural products has many advantages – it is safe, green, easy and can save time and money.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the washing machine before the rinse cycle (or when washing by hand) instead of factory softener.
  • Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a spray bottle of cleaner windows and mirrors
  • Different types of spots (such as ink, marker, crayon, pencil) can ...
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How often should you clean your home?

Cleaning your home is annoying but necessary task. It is important not only because when the home is cleaned you feel more comfortable and it is a pleasure to spend your time at home, but is also necessary for a healthy life. Here arises the main question: How often should you clean your home? We will try to the answer to this question in this article.

How often to clean a room depends on several factors. First, we must take into ...

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